Thursday, October 28, 2010

Stomp Unit

We are going to make an unconventional rythm performance in groups. The first theme we thought of was a school theme. Howveer we saw that some other groups were alsdoing this theme. So my group changed the theme to a construction site. We will be hamering on wood, drilling, lifting boxes, using a whistle and a helmet. I will be composing the drill part of the composition. We have decidied who will do what part. We do not know how the materials will sound so the first drafts we write for the composition will probably change. For two weeks we made the composition and After thinking and realising that we can not use the construction theme because we can not get the materials and do not know how they sound we decided to change the theme. Since we only had one week left, the group decided to meet after school on that last week to make a new composition. The new theme was a prison with someone whowas going to be executed. We made the composition together in that last week. We did not make the compsoition individually but we did it as a group. I think the performance went well a as we did it just as we practised and there were no mistakes. I think the main problem the group had was that we had to rush making the performance because we changed it very late. We should have used our time more efficiently and realise earlier that the theme had to be changed.